Mechanics: Animation

Mechanics: Animation

Mechanics: Animation
The application will “revive” the models designed by you in KOMPAS-3D, help to identify possible collisions of parts and create interactive guides for assembling and disassembling products.


The main features of the application:

  • Simulation of movements of various units and links of machines, devices, mechanisms and devices.
  • Checking possible collisions of components during their movements to identify design errors.
  • Create videos demonstrating the operation of devices for presentations or interactive technical manuals.
  • Creation of diagrams of sequential positions of the mechanism – “cinograms” (a set of sequential frames in *.frw format – fragments of KOMPAS-Graph).
  • Recording motion videos in avi format. Playback options can be configured: set the frame rate, pause between successive steps, cycling.

An animation script is a sequence of steps corresponding to individual movements of assembly components. Each step can correspond to different types of movement of parts and movement parameters (speed, rotation frequency, time). All these movements can be set both sequentially and in parallel with each other (at one step). The script can be saved in a standard XML format text file and used in the future.

Requires for work: KOMPAS-3D


Discussion allows you to ask questions directly to the instructor.