Artisan Rendering, photorealistic rendering system for KOMPAS-3D

Artisan Rendering, photorealistic rendering system for KOMPAS-3D

Artisan Rendering, photorealistic rendering system for KOMPAS-3D
What will the product or structure look like, the design of which has not yet been completed? It is not only interesting to learn this, it is also extremely useful both for the design process itself and for the company’s business as a whole. Without waiting for the creation of a prototype or completion of construction, you can evaluate its appearance, effectively demonstrate the project to the customer, place images in catalogs and on websites.


Artisan Rendering is a tool for creating high-quality photorealistic images of products and buildings designed in KOMPAS-3D. With the app, you can combine materials and lighting, background and scene, and go from a 3D model to a high-quality image in just a few clicks.

Artisan Rendering was developed specifically for ASCON by the English company Pictorex Limited, one of the world’s leading providers of visualization solutions for CAD/CAM/CAE system developers.

The system uses a combination of hardware-based OpenGL rendering for fast image viewing along with powerful CPU-intensive rendering for ray tracing in high quality images and for image global illumination.

Artisan Rendering comes with a large database of materials, lights, backgrounds. You’ll be able to get to work right away, creating stunning images of your product or structure long before it’s released or built.

The Artisan Rendering application is included in the trial 30-day version of KOMPAS-3D


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