Fact Analysis

Fact Analysis

BIM 021 Tarasova E.A. 1С:ERP Construction organization management

Real management is impossible without an analysis of current events in comparison with the plan. The integration of Renga and 1C:ERP USO 2 allows you to conduct a plan-fact analysis of construction production with reference to the elements of the Renga 3D model. This analysis makes it possible to understand, for example, how much it cost, in what terms, with what delay and with what quality the same “wall” of a standard project was erected at different construction sites.

Different views on the current situation on the project allow you to generate developed reports:

Analysis of the supply of materials by the elements of the information model.   The report on structural elements allows you to compare planned and actual quantitative and total indicators, analyze deviations in quantity, savings or cost overruns in rubles for the materials used for each element of the Renga 3D model. more

Analysis of direct costs in the context of the elements of the information model. The report allows you to analyze and compare the planned direct costs with the actual costs incurred for the purchase of materials, the involvement of employees and equipment, subcontractors.

Analysis of direct costs by groups of incurred costs. The report allows the user to visually see the plan-fact analysis data on a 3D model with the ability to select one of the analysis options (backlog in days, savings/overruns in the cost of purchasing materials or direct costs).

The solution “1C: ERP Management of a construction organization 2” is the core of the software package “1C: BIM 6D” .


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