Construction object manager

Construction object manager – a tool for creating an information model of buildings and structures

A specialized tool for creating a 3D model of a building or structure based on a 2D model made using MinD technology and implemented as a panel in the KOMPAS-Graph construction tree . By pressing one command, an informational, three-dimensional model of the entire building or object is formed.

The Construction Object Manager allows you to:

  • Create an arbitrary number of floors and levels of buildings and structures;
  • Set up and manage floor parameters (elevation, floor height, number of floors);
  • Create standard floors;
  • Get 3D models of multi-storey buildings (the 3D generation mechanism is integrated with all applications: AS / AR, KM, KZh, TX, OV, VK, ES and catalogs);
  • Create and manage specifications for all sections of the project.


Discussion allows you to ask questions directly to the instructor.