3D express molds

3D express molds

3D express molds
The Molds 3D Express system is designed to automate the analysis of a 3D model of a part and the design of forming molds, including side sliders.


Main functions:

  • conducting an analysis of disclosure, the presence of zero or negative biases.
  • assigning the surfaces of the 3D model to the movable or stationary parts of the mold, to the side sliders;
  • construction of the line and surface of the opening, patches of internal holes;
  • obtaining blanks forming molds;
  • gating system modeling.

3D Express molds are a powerful tool for increasing the productivity of tooling designers by automating routine operations and calculations, as well as express analysis of the manufacturability of designs of designed products.

Requires for work: KOMPAS-3D


Discussion allows you to ask questions directly to the instructor.