Automatic calculations

Automatic calculations of internal water supply and sewerage systems of buildings. Free SMART WATER app for Renga

Calculations of internal water supply and sanitation systems are mandatory for the implementation of the project in the relevant sections and are highly complex.

In order to start calculations, the engineer must first of all create an accurate design scheme for water supply and sewerage networks, apply all water consumers to it, indicate the exact length of the sections and take into account all the elements. Drawing up such a scheme in manual mode is tedious and takes a significant amount of time, and in case of any adjustment of the project, it is necessary to re-enter the calculated data. At the second stage, specialists move on to the use of complex mathematical formulas of the current regulatory documents, which is no less time-consuming task.

For the convenience and acceleration of the work of users, the developers of the SMART WATER program have implemented a plug-in for integration with the Renga BIM system for automatically transferring the design scheme of internal water supply and sewerage systems from the information model. It supplements the information model created in Renga with calculated data and transfers it to SMART WATER, where the calculation scheme is automatically generated and all the calculations required by the profile specialist are performed.


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