APM Civil Engineering has extensive functionality for creating structural models, performing the necessary calculations and visualizing the results. The use of these opportunities will reduce the design time and reduce the material consumption of the construction site, as well as reduce the cost of design work and construction in general.
APM Civil Engineering fully takes into account the requirements of state standards and building codes and regulations related to both the preparation of design documentation and calculation algorithms.
Calculation and graphical tools available in the APM Civil Engineering system allow solving a wide range of tasks:
- design metal structures of any type under various types of loading and fastening with the possibility of automatic selection of cross sections (checking the bearing capacity according to SNiP) and generation of drawings of typical metal structure assemblies;
- perform the whole complex of necessary calculations of reinforced concrete structures with automatic selection of reinforcement parameters for the limit states of the first and second groups in accordance with the SP;
- design wooden structures, including the selection of metal toothed plates and dowels at the joints of the beams, as well as receive sawing patterns for all structural elements;
- perform calculation of single, tape and solid reinforced concrete foundations;
- determine the parameters of bolted and welded joints;
- create design documentation;
- use the supplied databases of standard parts and elements of building structures, materials and sections when designing, as well as create your own databases for specific tasks;
- create project databases, including design documents, analysis models, drawings, etc.
This product is offered in two configurations:
- ST – the dimension of the tasks to be solved does not exceed 1.5 million degrees of freedom;
- XE – there are no restrictions on the dimension of the tasks being solved (the actual dimension is limited by the amount of PC RAM).
According to the type of structures designed in the software, APM Civil Engineering can also be divided into the following configurations:
- Steel – Calculation and design of metal structures;
- Steel-Concrete – Calculation and design of metal, reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures with the ability to calculate foundations;
- Steel-Concrete-Wood – Calculation and design of metal, reinforced concrete, reinforced masonry and wooden structures with the ability to calculate foundations;
In addition, in addition to the basic features for the product, additional functionality (options) is available :
- Composite : calculation of structures from composite materials;
- Fracture : destruction mechanics;
- Fatigue : endurance calculation;
- Pipe : calculation of pipeline elements;
- TopOpt : topological optimization.
The APM Civil Engineering product is registered in the Register of Russian Computer Programs and Databases.