Functionality of APM Trans

Functionality of APM Trans

Gear Design and Verification CalculationsThe APM Trans module is designed to perform design and verification calculations for the most common types of gears in order to select the best design options.

This is provided:

  • the presence of functions for specifying an arbitrary type of loading or selecting a typical loading from the database;
  • Gear calculationusing customized databases of materials, tolerances, parameters of the original contour and other standard parameters when setting the initial data and during the calculation;
  • the ability to configure the APM Trans module to the required standards;
  • generating reports in RTF format;
  • the ability to save text information of the calculation results to RTF, INI, XLS files, and graphic information to AGR files (the format of the APM Graph graphic editor included in the APM WinMachine system ), DXF and SolidEdge (.par).


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